"El Miske, the rediscovery of a traditional Ecuadorian agave-based drink"

This Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Ecuador made the Declaration of the Denomination of Origin of the Miske.

The Miske is an alcoholic drink made with agaves that are produced in the Andean region of Ecuador. It is obtained through the distillation of fermented tzawarmishky, whose sugars are 100% from ripe tzawar. The transformation of sugars to alcohol is carried out exclusively with microorganisms native to the area, and it can be a spontaneous or cultivated process.

Its unique characteristics, such as being planted on the equator line where the sun directly affects the photosynthesis of the agave, benefits the production of a greater amount of sugar in the plant, this means a better quality of alcohol when distilling.

This drink whose harvest is made through the hands of Ecuadorian women, in charge of carefully selecting the saps that provide a product that has different aromas and flavors typical of the agave, has a white or transparent tone, distilled with woody tones that indicates that it has rested with noble woods such as oak or chaguarquero.

This achievement of denomination of origin implies that it can only be produced in certain specific areas of the country, with a particular manufacturing process and complying with certain standards of quality and tradition.

For ETUR it is essential that amateur or expert travelers connect with innovative experiences, which is why if after learning more about MISKE, we invite you to be part of our tour options in the capital city which include services such as a tour in the garden botanist of this species, visit its museum, the distillery and finally, have a tasting in the company of teachers who will then invite you to continue your visit in the agave bar.

From Guayaquil it is possible to connect with this designation of origin product in Quito. Everything in one click!

Writing: Doménica Barahona Canales


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