Holy Week in Ecuador is a major religious holiday celebrated during the week before Easter and is marked by consecutive processions, masses, or other religious events that commemorated the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
One of the most popular traditions in Holy Week in Ecuador is the route of the seven churches (San José Church, San Alejo Church, Santo de Domingo Church, San Agustín Church, La Merced Church, Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles Church, Cathedral Metropolitan of San Pedro Apóstol) in Guayaquil. This route consists of visiting seven different churches on the night of Holy Thursday, where they pray and meditate on the different moments of the Passion of Christ. This tradition is deeply rooted in Ecuadorian culture and is a way of remembering the suffering of Jesus before his crucifixion.
Another important tradition in Holy Week in Ecuador is the Good Friday dinner, in which a traditional dish called fanesca is eaten. The fanesca is a typical Holy Week dish made from grains, cod, milk, and cheese. This dish is very tasty, nutritious and is an important part of Ecuadorian culinary culture.
In addition, in other places of Ecuador, such as in the city of Cuenca, nocturnal processions are carried out in which religious images are carried on litters illuminated by candles and torches. These processions have a solemn, emotional atmosphere and attract thousands of worshipers and tourists every year.
In summary, Holy Week in Ecuador is an important religious holiday that is celebrated with great devotion throughout the country. The route of the seven churches in Guayaquil, the Good Friday dinner and other local traditions make this celebration a unique and memorable occasion.
Writing: Doménica Barahona Canales
Translation: Abigail Aristega
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