

Holy Week in Ecuador is a major religious holiday celebrated during the week before Easter and is marked by consecutive processions, masses, or other religious events that commemorated the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  One of the most popular traditions in Holy Week in Ecuador is the route of the seven churches (San José Church, San Alejo Church, Santo de Domingo Church, San Agustín Church, La Merced Church, Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles Church, Cathedral Metropolitan of San Pedro Apóstol) in Guayaquil. This route consists of visiting seven different churches on the night of Holy Thursday, where they pray and meditate on the different moments of the Passion of Christ. This tradition is deeply rooted in Ecuadorian culture and is a way of remembering the suffering of Jesus before his crucifixion.  Another important tradition in Holy Week in Ecuador is the Good Friday dinner, in which a traditional dish called fanesca is eaten. The fanesca is a typical Holy W...

5 Tips for today's travelers

Travel in a responsible way: Travelers must be aware of their impact on the environment and local communities. It is important to choose sustainable options and respect the culture and traditions of the places they visit.   Be Informed: Before travel, it is important to know all the requirements for entry and the restrictions related to pandemic in the chosen destiny.   Be Flexible: The pandemic has made it difficult to plan, so travelers need to be flexible and ready for last-minute changes.  Respect sanitary measures: It is important to follow the sanitary measures recommended by local authorities and respect the policies for the use of a mask, physical distancing and hand washing.  Support the local economy: Travelers can contribute to the local economy by purchasing products and services from local vendors. They can also support local organizations and environmental conservation projects. 


Viajar de manera responsable: Los viajeros deben ser conscientes de su impacto en el medio ambiente y en las comunidades locales. Es importante elegir opciones sostenibles y respetar las costumbres y la cultura de los lugares que visitan.  Estar informado: Antes de viajar, es importante informarse sobre los requisitos de entrada y las restricciones relacionadas con la pandemia en el destino elegido. También es importante informarse sobre la situación política y social del país de destino.  Ser flexible: La pandemia ha hecho que sea difícil planificar con anticipación, por lo que los viajeros deben ser flexibles y estar preparados para cambios de último momento.  Respetar las medidas sanitarias: Es importante seguir las medidas sanitarias recomendadas por las autoridades locales y respetar las políticas de uso de mascarilla, distanciamiento físico y lavado de manos.  Apoyar a la economía local: Los viajeros pueden contribuir a la economía local comprando productos y s...

"El Miske, the rediscovery of a traditional Ecuadorian agave-based drink"

This Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Ecuador made the Declaration of the Denomination of Origin of the Miske. The Miske is an alcoholic drink made with agaves that are produced in the Andean region of Ecuador. It is obtained through the distillation of fermented tzawarmishky, whose sugars are 100% from ripe tzawar. The transformation of sugars to alcohol is carried out exclusively with microorganisms native to the area, and it can be a spontaneous or cultivated process. Its unique characteristics, such as being planted on the equator line where the sun directly affects the photosynthesis of the agave, benefits the production of a greater amount of sugar in the plant, this means a better quality of alcohol when distilling. This drink whose harvest is made through the hands of Ecuadorian women, in charge of carefully selecting the saps that provide a product that has different aromas and flavors typical of the agave, has a white or transparent tone, distilled with woody tones that indicat...

"El Miske, el redescubrimiento de una bebida tradicional ecuatoriana a base de agave"

Este martes 21 de marzo de 2023, Ecuador realizó la Declaratoria de la Denominación de Origen del Miske. El Miske es una bebida alcohólica elaborada con agaves que se producen en la región andina del Ecuador. Se obtiene a través de la destilación del tzawarmishky fermentado, cuyos azúcares son 100 % provenientes de tzawar maduros. La transformación de azúcares a alcohol se lo realiza exclusivamente con microorganismos nativos de la zona, sea a través de un proceso espontáneo o cultivado. Sus características únicas como estar plantado sobre la línea ecuatorial donde el sol incide directamente en la fotosíntesis del agave, beneficia en la producción de mayor cantidad de azúcares en la planta, esto se traduce en una mejor calidad de alcohol a la hora de destilar. Esta bebida cuya cosecha se realiza a través de las manos de mujeres ecuatorianas, encargadas de seleccionar cuidadosamente las savias que brindan un producto que tiene diferentes aromas y sabores propios del agave, posee u...


Water is essential in all aspects of tourism, like recreational activities, transportation, lodging, food, and in the conservation of tourism ecosystems. Bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans, are tourism resources and offer opportunities for fishing, water sports, and other recreational activities. Additionally, hotels and resorts rely on water to provide pools, spas, fountains, and gardens that attract visitors. On the other hand, water is important for the production of food and drinks that are served in restaurants and bars. In many tourist destinations, water is a limited resource, and it is important to use it responsibly and sustainably. Likewise, the conservation of aquatic ecosystems is essential for sustainable tourism, since these ecosystems provide environmental services, such as climate regulation, water quality and biodiversity. In conclusion, water is a valuable resource for tourism, and it should be use in a responsible and sustainable way to ...


El agua es esencial en todos los aspectos del turismo, ya sea para actividades recreativas, transporte, hospedaje, alimentación y en la conservación de los ecosistemas turísticos. Los cuerpos de agua, como ríos, lagos, mares y océanos, son recursos turísticos y ofrecen oportunidades para la pesca, deportes acuáticos y otras actividades recreativas. Además, los hoteles y complejos turísticos dependen del agua para proveer piscinas, spas, fuentes y jardines que atraen a los visitantes. Por otro lado, el agua es fundamental para la producción de alimentos y bebidas que se sirven en restaurantes y bares. En muchos destinos turísticos, el agua es un recurso limitado y es importante utilizarlo de manera responsable y sostenible. Asimismo, la conservación de los ecosistemas acuáticos es fundamental para el turismo sostenible, ya que estos ecosistemas proveen servicios ambientales, como la regulación del clima, la calidad del agua y la biodiversidad. En conclusión, el agua es un recurs...